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Learning from the past and looking towards the future, the 2000BLACK collective, named after a 1975 Roy Ayers’ recording, was established in 1998 by Dego.

Inspired by its lyrics ‘Think about the future, think about change’, the 2000 BLACK label and band formed an innovative platform, producing and performing any genre of music rooted in funk, soul, jazz, hip hop and pushing its boundaries to form contemporary innovations.

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Hear more music on our Bandcamp page

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Live studio performance by ssr客户端下载安卓
Eddie Nache – drums, Oli Savil – percussion, Junior Alli-Balogun – percussion & vibes, Mr Mensah – bass, Miles Brett – violin, Wayne Francis – saxaphone, Byron Wallen – trumpet, Kaidi Tatham – piano, Dego – synthesizer

Directed and edited by Bunny Bread / Code Emphasis Media

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If you would like to get in touch, or if you have a query. Please use the form below.
If you have a booking enquiry please email info@2000black.com.

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